Maddy HettlerThe Political Theology of Mass IncarcerationIn The Political Theology of Mass Incarceration, Dubler and Lloyd outline the process in which changes in religious ideas about law and…Dec 1, 20201Dec 1, 20201
Maddy HettlerOtherwise Worlds 11/18Before reading this week’s materials, our class had spoken a good amount about mass incarceration and the prison systems which function to…Nov 17, 20201Nov 17, 20201
Maddy HettlerBefore interacting with this week’s materials I had not been introduced to the idea of…This idea is translated through the work and mentality of the BLM movement for they see their movement as separate and not reliant on…Nov 9, 20202Nov 9, 20202
Maddy Hettler10/27 PostBefore reading this week’s materials, when discussing the radical and rebellious nature of the BLM movement, I often thought of the Black…Oct 28, 20201Oct 28, 20201
Maddy HettlerBLM DBefore watching the BLM movement documentary, I had been familiarized with the movement through other materials we engaged with in class…Oct 19, 20201Oct 19, 20201
Maddy HettlerBlack Womanist Theology 10/14Before reading this weeks materials, I had learned in previous history courses the lack of attention black women’s issues and struggles…Oct 14, 20201Oct 14, 20201
Maddy HettlerBefore reading this week’s materials, I had not previously read Dr.I was especially struck by the differences between Dr. Cone and Dr. King’s outlook on black theology and their methodology in the struggle…Oct 6, 2020Oct 6, 2020
Maddy Hettler9/23 PostBefore engaging with this week’s materials, I had actually already listened to “The Condition of Black Life is One of Mourning” since I am…Sep 22, 20201Sep 22, 20201
Maddy Hettler9/16 Post: The New Jim Crow” and “Pushout”Before reading The New Jim Crow this weekend, I had been exposed to some of the topics covered in the chapter such as the rise of prisons…Sep 15, 2020Sep 15, 2020
Maddy HettlerFirst Medium Post: IntroductionMy name is Maddy Hettler and I am a sophomore at Colgate with an intended major of Political Science and a possible minor in Philosophy. I…Sep 9, 2020Sep 9, 2020